Vlookup Explained

How is VLOOKUP used?

The VLOOKUP Formula helps you look for a cell value on another table based on a condition. Think of it like a way to connect two tables if they both have a row in common.

Here’s an example of VLOOKUP:

Let’s say that I have a table with an inventory containing product IDs, names and categories. In another table I have sales data with product IDs, prices and transaction dates.

Both tables have a common column, Product ID, so I’ll be able to link by sales with their respective product names and categories.

VLOOKUP Formula’s Syntax

=vlookup(search_key, range, index, [is_sorted])
  • search_key: The value you’re looking for. For example, the Product ID
  • range: The range you will be searching in. The first column is where we’ll be looking for the search_key and the other columns contains the value we’ll be looking at. For example, A1:C5
  • index: The index of the column (= the position of the column in the range). For example, the Product Name is the 2nd column of the range A1:C5
  • [is_sorted]: It’s an optional field. It’s true by default.
    • True: The nearest match (less than or equal to the search key) of the search_key in the respective column of the range is returned.
    • False: Only an exact match of the search_key in the respective column of the range is returned. If there are multiple matches, then the first value found is returned.

VLOOKUP Template

VLOOKUP Explained

ℹ️ How to duplicate a Google Sheet:

  1. Open the Spreadsheet link while connected to your Google Account
  2. In the Menu, click on File > Make a copy
  3. Pick a name and destination for the file in your Drive and click OK